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Case Study

SID LEE: The Belong Effect

Tapping into Gen-Z and Millennials to Understand the Impact of Community

Case Study: The Belong Effect

Tapping into Gen-Z and Millennials to Understand the Impact of Community

The Challenge

Sid Lee approached us to answer the following question: How can brands harness the power of community to create a sense of belonging?


Sid Lee published The Belong Effect in 2022 and 2023, unpacking the value of community building for brands. The study also informed the Belong Index; a ranking of how well brands attach to pre-existing communities.

What does it mean to belong?

Belonging is something we feel, but rarely is it something we define. How can brands belong in ways that create long-term trust among cynical gen Z and millennial consumers? Brands like Roblox and Patagonia have seen wild success with community as a primary revenue channel. Other brands have been unsuccessful. Why?

We answered this question for Sid Lee.

Our Approach

Sample Frame & Methodology

Reaching younger demographics

Between April 30th and May 21st, 2021, Angus Reid surveyed 8,000 Gen-Z and millennial respondents in the US, Canada, United Kingdom, and France. Surveys were conducted in English and French, and the locations were chosen for their relevance to Sid Lee’s global operations and business base.

Researching younger demographics requires a purpose built approach to questionnaire design, survey deliverability, and sample frame. Angus Reid specializes in providing accurate, high-quality sample through its proprietary Angus Reid Forum, as well as tools designed to tap specific audiences like Angus Reid Chat and Angus Reid Video.

Want to know more about how we collect answers from gen Z participants?

Learn more about Angus Reid Video


Sid Lee and The Belong Effect contribute to thought leadership

A deeper dive into emotional needs led to the discovery of four signals that correlate with a high sense of belonging:

  • Social capital: 76% feel like they have a voice and social capital within their community
  • Mobilize action: 78% say their community works together to mobilize
  • Unity: 83% feel a sense of unity as a member of a community
  • Identity: 45% say their community defines them a great deal

Angus Reid Partners on Research & Results

Find out how in Sid Lee’s Belong Effect Report
Angus Reid participated in a webinar, hosted by Sid Lee, to contextualize the results and discuss the intricacies of engaging Gen-Z respondents.

Partnering with Sid Lee to distribute The Belong Effect

Why do all the work to uncover a new truth, then stay quiet about it? We also partnered with Sid Lee to distribute the results of The Belong Project to make sure as many brand marketers as possible know about them.

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