
Video open ends



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The Science and Art of Insights

This blog post originally ran in QCRA Views. You can read the unabridged version, with...

Is your data reliable?

Trusting your data sources is the first step.

Sector Expertise

We're experts in your business.

Case Study

SID LEE: The Belong Effect

Tapping into Gen-Z and Millennials to Understand the Impact of Community


Hear from your customers in their own words

Use Angus Reid Replay to quickly tap into nuanced, qualitative responses to thought-provoking questions.

Your customers are with the Angus Reid forum

Diverse sample segments to suit your research needs


B2B decision makers

Household purchasers

Small business owners

High net worth individuals


IT workers

Early adopters

Get in-depth, real-world answers to the questions that matter.

A picture is worth a thousand words; a video is worth even more.

Go beyond quantitative responses to see, hear, and feel how your respondents feel about the question at hand.

Go from question to videos in five business days, or less.

Get the answers to your questions so you can make informed decisions without losing any momentum.

Go on offense by using videos to support your pitch, proposal, or strategy.

Don’t just summarize, let your community speak for itself by leveraging video in presentations, planning sessions, and pitches within (and outside) your organization.

Find out how people really feel

Watch selfie videos to see what the data can’t capture: tone, body language, and the small anecdotes that reveal something big.

Zero in on your goals with candid video testimonials.

Describe your goals and let our researchers take care of the rest.

See and hear from respondents

Open-ended questions are a standard practice in research. Take them a step further by capturing insights in video format.

Go beyond quant

Capture nuance, sarcasm, emotion, and more. Hear from respondents in their own words.

Compelling evidence

Seeing is believing. Use video to your advantage in pitch meetings, strategy sessions, and to support your proposals.


Family riding in car

Brands that trust our results

Want fast answers instead?

Get answers to questions about your brand in 24 hours with an omnibus survey.

Kick off a video project today.