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The Angus Reid Forum

A proprietary opinion and insight community we've built from the ground up.

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The Science and Art of Insights

This blog post originally ran in QCRA Views. You can read the unabridged version, with...

Is your data reliable?

Trusting your data sources is the first step.

Sector Expertise

We're experts in your business.

Case Study

SID LEE: The Belong Effect

Tapping into Gen-Z and Millennials to Understand the Impact of Community


Stay relevant with precision brand monitoring

Measure the seemingly unmeasurable. Monitor and fine-tune your strategies and tactics with accurate tracking and ongoing conversations with your audience.

Your customers are with the Angus Reid forum

Diverse sample segments to suit your research needs


B2B decision makers

Household purchasers

Small business owners

High net worth individuals


IT workers

Early adopters

Evolve with your audience through a customized tracking program

Feel the constant heartbeat of your audience

Audience preferences ebb and flow with world events. Stay top of mind with consistent public opinion tracking.

From brand health and sustainability to campaign and issue monitoring (and everything in between)

Access a consistent, quality sample frame to track customized KPIs with precision on an ongoing basis.

See trends coming before your competitors

Stay ahead of the game. Analyze your brand performance metrics against your competitors and evolve your strategy.

Find out how people really feel

Watch selfie videos to see what the data can’t capture: tone, body language, and the small anecdotes that reveal something big.

Custom trackers

Describe your goals and let our researchers take care of the rest.

Brand trackers

Customer satisfaction
Campaign sentiment

Industry trackers

Supply chain issues
Inflation pressures
Competitor analysis

Public opinion trackers

Vaccination willingness
Home buying trends

Family riding in car

Brands that trust our results

Want fast answers instead?

Get answers to questions about your brand in 24 hours with an omnibus survey.

Start monitoring brand performance with Angus Reid.