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Our Community

The Angus Reid Forum

A proprietary opinion and insight community we've built from the ground up.

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The Science and Art of Insights

This blog post originally ran in QCRA Views. You can read the unabridged version, with...

Is your data reliable?

Trusting your data sources is the first step.

Sector Expertise

We're experts in your business.

Case Study

SID LEE: The Belong Effect

Tapping into Gen-Z and Millennials to Understand the Impact of Community


Develop your own research community

Get all the benefits of a custom community without the high up-front costs or the maintenance.

Your customers are with the Angus Reid forum

Diverse sample segments to suit your research needs


B2B decision makers

Household purchasers

Small business owners

High net worth individuals


IT workers

Early adopters

Traditional insight communities are expensive, laborious, and hard to maintain. Do more with less.

Skip the investment and recruitment.

You won’t need to hire a team , worry about churn and engagement, or dedicate any internal resources to managing your community.

Tap into existing audiences of your customers.

Scale your community up (or down) without subscription fees or software costs. Only pay for what you need.

Leverage demographic profiling and understand non-customers at the same time.

Not only are your customers already on the Angus Reid Forum, we’ve profiled their demographics and characteristics already. Need to compare? The rest of our panel is at your disposal.

Capture video from your community

Watch selfie videos to see what the data can’t capture: tone, body language, and the small anecdotes that reveal something big.

Traditional insight communities are hard to set up, expensive, and require a lot of maintenance.

With Angus Reid Communities, you can get started immediately and only pay for what you need. Scale up or down as required, and let us do the heavy lifting.

Tap into an ARF community and only pay for what you need.

Benefit from economies of scale and pay as you go.

Stop guessing at capacity and use only what you need.

Increase speed and agility by eliminating the ramp up period.

Stop spending on maintenance.

Tap your community for campaign measurement, concept testing, idea generation and more.

You community is on the Angus Reid Forum.